Allah wants to kill me, what is my relationship with him?

  • I am a Kafir. I do not believe that allah is the absolute.
  • Now it is quite evident that allah wants us dead and he says.

So what should be my take on allah?

  • Neither, do I have any form of Stockholm syndrome towards this demonic subjugation.
  • Nor, do I have empathy towards these demons who inspire mobs to rape and murder.
  • I love my family and the sanctity of my women.

Tomorrow if a mob comes to harm my family inspired by the divine words of allah then what should I do?

  • I have no empathy or sympathy for people like these.
  • I have the same relationship with people that they have with me.
  • Allah has taken me as his enemy then I am his enemy.
  • If he wants to eliminate me, I want to do the same to him.

Muhammad’s Prophethood

Let’s look at a few events.

  • Muhammad was an illiterate man.
  • He went inside a cave and had sensory perceptions which had no apparent source.
  • He shared his experience and his fellows declared him a prophet.

In spirituality, the first trait of being classified as a medium, oracle or prophet is that you hear voices.

  • Being illiterate and surrounded by tribes, do these people possess deep knowledge of how the world of spirits works?
  • Did they validate the sources of these voices?
  • The authority of these sensory perceptions overwhelmed the mind of the illiterate.
  • The voices changed their messages at various times. Sometimes it appeared that the illiterate made these messages to facilitate his own goals.
  • The illiterate claimed that something evil influenced him for quite some time and altered the message.
  • Isn’t this a clue that the illiterate feeble mind was a vessel to multiple spirits?

It’s important to know who is truly behind the voices heard.

  • Initially, the messages were peaceful, promoting hygiene and harmony but these messages were not appealing to the masses.
  • Later the voices became a bit hostile, vindictive, secreative and malicious.
  • Since then the world has been burnt and blood has been spilt by the peaceful messages of the illiterate.
  • It is the responsibility of the spirits of Islam to take care of these things.

Either Islam is hijacked by evil spirits or these spirits have been evil since the beginning and pretending to be good.

Anyways Islam is far too corrupt and beyond redemption.